Thursday 11 December 2008


Well since I started drawing and painting what have I managed to achieve?
No fame or fortune but thats not what its all about - its gotta be fun. I started all this Easter-ish 2007 and last year produced a hanful of bits mainly black and white. I wasn't sure what progress if any I'd make but looking back over the last twelve months I'm pretty happy with the amount I've done - 27 drawings/paintings of one sort or another - 12 fully painted colour (40 hours work each I would reckon - phew thats alot when I look at it like that!).I tend not to post all that many on here any more as I kind of do them for people and want them to have the sole use or first dibs on them. Anyway - hopefully there will be a new one cropping up soon at a site thats dear to my heart - wont say too much incase it doesnt get used. Also rumour has it that Chris Dawes AKA Push who wrote the excellent Rat Scabies and The Holy Grail might be posting some of my festive stuff on his myspace if you want to check it out - once again wont say too much incase he doesnt get round too it - its a busy old job , Grail hunting. I've also had some "punk rock legends" use my stuff on their myspace which is a real buzz and certain guitar hero is costing me a fortune in postage with his requests for prints. And there may?? be a cd cover coming up for another band that I really must press on with and finish off. All good fun but the best thing has been the fantastic people I've met/ been emailed over the last year. I've been in contact with some great individuals whose kind words and encouragement have really made this a fun and fullfilling year for me- and I'd like to thank everyone I've come across - its great knowing people like this rubbish!
All the Very Best wishes to everyone I've met and everyone who visits here occasionally - even the ones who are only here looking for titty bar pictures!
Have a great festive period and happy 2009

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